Welcome to the Health/Attendance Office
Nurse: Mrs. Cassandra Donnelly
[email protected]
(716) 646-3305
Health Office Aide: Ms. Sue Williams
[email protected]
(716) 646-3306
Attendance Secretary: Ms. Jackie Wishart
[email protected]
(716) 646-3315
If your child is going to be late to school or absent, please call us. Mrs. Donnelly is
usually available in the office between 7:20 a.m. and 2:50 p.m. Ms. Wishart is
usually available from 7am to 3pm. We each have our own 24 hour voicemail that
comes on after five rings, so you can call any time day or night. You could also
email the message to us.
A written excuse must accompany the student when he/she returns to school or the absence becomes unexcused- even if you did call the child in absent. The Google Form for absences is no longer being accepted.