(Doing Activities with Great Students)

Advisors: Mrs. Ashley Digati & Ms. Beth Walters

Our Mission

To create a culture of kindness by introducing students of all academic levels

to connect with one another and foster positive peer relationships.

Text @cd8c3a to 81010 to start receiving text message updates regarding DAWGS events!

D.A.W.G.S. is a peer buddy group that gets together one time (or more) per month to get involved in extracurricular activities in the school setting and keep connected with peers of all ability levels. It is an after-school program designed to help students meet others and maintain connections and friendships for successful social skill building activities. This group has previously gone to school sporting events, musicals, and plays together, as well as had opportunities to walk to various local restaurants to kick back and engage in natural conversations. Additionally, this group has played kickball together, had holiday parties, and traveled to Canalside and Bisons games! Most recently, this group started coming together to attend junior and senior proms. Please join the text message group at any time if interested!

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