Donate Life

OUR MISSION: Our commitment is to enhance and save lives through organ, eye, tissue and blood donation while maintaining respect for those who give the Gift of Life.

We hold meetings scattered threw out each month, if you would like to join our club listen to the morning announcements to hear about our next meeting. In Donate Life it is our job to inform our school about donating, through different activates during the year.

Monday, May 16th is our annual UNYTS Blood Drive! Make sure you sign up in the main office or at the Donate life Table at the Wellness Fair this Thursday and Friday. You must be 16 or older to donate blood. If you are 16 you must have parent permission, there is a form in the Main Office for your parents/guardians to sign.

March 9th through the 16th we will be doing a campaign week, where your homeroom could win breakfast pizza! All you have to do is dress up during the week and the homeroom with the most wins!

Monday 9th: Lazy Day
Tuesday 10th: America Day
Wednesday 11th: Black Out
Thursday 12th: Purple and White
Friday 13th: Flannel Friday
Monday16th: Blue ad Green

Also come visit us at our table in the gym for this years wellness fair, you can answer a question correctly, spin a spinner and win prizes!

This years wellness fair is Thursday, May 5th and Friday, May 6th, each gym class will be visiting during their period.

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